Sunday, January 15, 2012

Save the 8 big step of Microsoft: Center energy to shorten battlefront

Guide language: Zhou Erfa expresses American CNN website sign Si Nuo of · of lay mines gram (the article of Blake Snow) , summed up much name course of study the 8 a lunar month of 30 days that to reviving Microsoft puts forward discuss wife person.

It is article full text below:

Become global market prise the 4th tall company that's all right is miserable, microsoft is. However, it is Microsof the most popular scooby costume t likewise, double the market prise 10 years ago is nowadays however. In other words, it does not have what progress completely 10 years.

No matter this cup of water is,still be half sky completely partly, consumer is very insufficient to the confidence of Microsoft. In youth eye, microsoft a bit not cruel, they care about Microsoft far from. To the person with a bit older age, they need Microsoft when the job only, once had leisure, still can turn to the equipment of apple or Gu Ge immediately.

After a month, microsoft will roll out Windows 8, this is an operating system that has courage and insight quite, feeling the interface introduced desktop computation domain. This is f the best selling brooch pins rom Windows XP later, product with the mainest Microsoft is released, however, in the past between 12 months, industry of science and technology most of take delight in talking about is IPhone 5 grows after all however what kind of.

From the point of this, microsoft is very miserable really.

Really, bill Gates (this software company that Bill Gates) skill makes is the closest 10 years a few without contribute, the largest window is the Xbox Live that recreation department rolls out and Kinect instead, former the nightly edition that enjoys only like the player a bit Facebook, latter is wide suffer chase after the body sense controller that hold in both hands. Of Microsoft should search engine to also gain a few headway surely, but in add now fast the fastest mobile equipment sphere, it is far backward however.

So, how ought to Microsoft return to the right path? Integrated each proposal that criticizes a personage, pass the following 8 kinds of measure, microsoft hopeful weighs model ego successfully, industry of new dominant science and technology, cast off the awkward part of the person that follow.

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1, concentrate energy, shorten battlefront

Microsoft always encounters all sorts of criticism, but however all along nobody criticism Microsoft is too dedicated. "Their product line is too much, resource spreads out too thinly, " the ZDNet that pays close attention to Microsoft for a long time edits Marie Yao Fulei (Mary Jo Foley) says. He thinks, because Microsoft is preserving the product with a few bad performance all the time, the product that brings about them is more and more unvalued. Nevertheless, not Lei Ye expresses, "This respect is in Microsoft to improve gradually. the most popular brooch pins "This respect is in Microsoft to improve graduall most popular selling memory laptop toshib memory card digital cameras a y..

2, will all software turns into high in the clouds

Microsoft touchs now went up Xiaoma is irritated: User hope can manage from inside any equipment that can get online, examine and alter a document, namely computation of so called cloud, but the software that the most profit of Microsoft still comes from need installation to go up in this locality equipment. because of such, the way that this company offers discount software to passing Internet all the time very hesitant.

Beta News edits Joe Weierkaokesi (J the best selling canon ef 15mm oe Wilcox) expresses, if this one trend continues continuously, microsoft dies surely undoubted. "In mobile phone and flat computer, the positional itself of Microsoft is not strong, can say even very weak. If so called hind PC times is the join that use the cloud all sorts of equipment, so the sense with the without what too old also operating system of Microsoft. " he says.

   3, the position that changes a top of a table infirmly

Microsoft accumulated wealth of a huge sum through selling desktop operating system. Although the desktop is in,the future that can foreknow still is main computational tool, but it is main tool no longer. It is one of equipment of numerous practicable computation only.

"Who still cares about a desktop? " the brother-in-law of my twenties says. As long as enough and portable, and the most popular canon ef 15mm can get online, he cares about a manufacturer far from, also do not care about an appearance. So, turn into high in the clouds besides will all product, microsoft is returned ought to compatible all sorts of equipment, no longer operating system of be enslaved to be enslaved to. For example, gu Ge can be in Macintosh, Android, IPhone, Windows and Chrome OS use. In other words, the key depends on applying, use what equipment visit as to you, not matter at all.

4, essentials runs, do not want follow

No matter whether have,break biased, current most person thinks Microsoft is following basically the pace of apple and Gu Ge, did not lead tide -- Zune, answer surely, computer of flat of Windows Phone, Surface and retailing shop, without do not reflect give this. Connecting Kinect also is to answer the product that hold the post of heaven Wii and rolls out. Should make truly consumer feels rise with force and spirit, must dare be the world first.

mountain t shirts"Although Microsoft is in,cloud computation times cannot last of PC times brilliant, its effort also can drive apple, Yamaxun, Gu Ge and other company to be done weller. " Weierkaokesi says.

5, serve a boss only

To Microsoft character, what hope to see least of all now is already the market share of shrink is farther atrophic. However, windows 8 can cause this kind of consequence likely, the reason is this system will serve to be mixed at feeling screen user at the same time t free scooby costume raditional mouse clavier user.

"I fear too dedicated feeling calculated Windows 8. " Engadget edits guest of rich of science and technology Dimu Shidiwensi (Tim Stevens) says. Not Lei Ye agrees with this kind of viewpoint: "Microsoft is estranging old user, cater to the new user that gives priority to with feeling an operation, I think they may be done so that passed a bit. I think they may be done so that passed a bit..

Want to offer feeling software and traditional software to do not have a problem at the same time, but best means is both distinction leaves come, the Mac that resembles an apple and IOS in that way.

6, outstanding oneself characteristic

Even if in 90 time, what the Microsoft product of at the summit of one's power never also makes social class in that way like the apple nowadays is indicative. The fact is such really. But meanwhile, cruel also has a lot of states, if you are enough self-confident, also do not fear the identity is agreed with, need not have to goes after an apple the sort of condition. Microsoft realizes this earlier, rise abruptly more likely again, is to continue not just rest on one's laurels.

Present position has Microsoft very much acid imply, it is its brand fixed position David, regard the apple as Geliya, try to object mainstream culture of the apple. These two companies had exchanged the position it seems that, originally " different this mortal world thinks " apple, became the target that is overturned however nowadays, because its product covers a range,all these is too wide.

7, the track of an overturned cart of IBM of not serious step

IBM once was the brand of computational industry widely known. After it abandons consuming business, also behave in company territory really not common. However, its position and dimensions had been inferior to former times today. If Microsoft cannot blend in cloud computation trend adequately, also will weigh the track of an overturned cart of skip IBM. "If Microsoft is retreated in that way like IBM defend business market, consumption the market alienations adversary, they will be changed by the brim. " Weierkaokesi says.

8, recovery developer support

Windows can dominant is whole industry, because its user experience is more outstanding than Macintosh,not be, invested more capital to tripartite developer because of it however, won more application thereby, won more user finally. But Microsoft had changed a way it seems that.

"The position put upside down fitly. " Weierkaokesi says, "Make a person now most where is the application of hearten? Be absent Windows, in Android and IOS. " if Microsoft hopes to recapture dominant position again, must attract more developer, only such ability attract more user.

Speak of the development good luck of Microsoft, the opinion of each personage is skimble-scamble. Shidiwensi says: "I think they have enough fund, can achieve right result probably. But I do not know them whether become the market to get bellwether again. But I do not know them whether become the market to get bellwether again..

Not the doubt that Lei Ye expressed him. "I do not decide them whether the authority in a certain field that makes consumptive trade again. " she says, "Do to 3 things whether does enough correct error of 10 years? I do not know. I do not know..

On the other hand, weierkaokesi saw other company revive case -- among them the constellation that the famousest nature is Microsoft enemy apple. "If the apple can revive from the condition that is close to going bankrupt 15 years ago,be the whole world the biggest company, microsoft is affirmative also can. " he says. (Vessel grand)

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